Cox Geelen

| Our products Ventilation


CoxVent® 3000

CoxVent® 3000 PP vent capØ mmb3c
24842290 - 1001160140
248423110 - 1251120140
248424150 - 160160140

CoxVent® 3000 Aluminium vent capØ mmb3c
24845290 - 1001100140
248453110 - 125196140
248454150 - 16010140

CoxVent® 3000 Aluminium single wall flat flashingØ mmb3c
24842790 - 1001252140
248428110 - 1251253140
248429150 - 1601251140

CoxVent® 3000 Aluminium twin wall flat flashingØ mmb3c
24843290 - 1001108140
248433110 - 125140140
248434150 - 160148140

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Contact our customer service, we will be happy to help you.
Research and Development
Thanks to continuous innovation, our products are becoming better, more durable and safer.
The next step to a better environment
By compensating for our CO2 emissions, we are helping to combat climate change.
Quality and safety
The right certifications are a guarantee of
for quality and safety.